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January 15, 2025
New Year's Mysteries! from The Modern Diary

On New Year's Eve Day I sewed with Barb, Becky, BJ, and Dr. Kathy.  Not everyone was sewing this mystery quilt, but I was. (I wrote these two days backwards and mixed up which quilt was which day so they are out of order because I did not want to move all the pictures!)  So NYD's mystery was Merry Mayhem.  The gal that does this is planning one more mystery this year and then retiring.  I love her mysteries, so I am bummed they are about over.  
Here are a few of the pictures from that. It is ...

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January 19, 2024
Secret Agent Mystery and More! from The Modern Diary

Here is the key to my Secret Agent Mystery.  
We made a pocket as part of the first mission.
Everyone is doing fun posts with their agent names, so here is mine!

Here is the second mission, completed yesterday.

And here is my second mission post.  As you can see, Ros decided to join in the fun and do this mystery too!  Dr. Kathy is also doing it.  Super fun!

I also managed to finish the Cuts and Bolts mystery for 2023.  Love how it came out with my controlled scrappy choices based on the border fabric.
I also got ...

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January 1, 2024
Spinout--Cuts and Bolts Mystery 2023! from The Modern Diary

I spent yesterday sewing Spinout--the Cuts and Bolts NYE Mystery for 2023.  I only did the baby size so plenty of time to cut and sew an 

I somehow cut the wrong size large dark blue triangles so I had to cut some more and ran out of the dark on to a more medium fabric but it works.
BJ and Barb sewed with me too.  Barb did her own baby size quilt and BJ did her cutting and started sewing a larger one.  
You can see my piles of Eye Spy that I was cutting here too ...

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December 31, 2023
A Whole Lot of Mysteries Going on! from The Modern Diary

Here is clue 5 of Indigo Way.  I chose this brown fabric with other colors for my "special" fabric last minute.  It has several of the colors from the quilt so it should work.



Here is clue 6 which I finished yesterday.  Very excited to be keeping up with Indigo Way!

Here is the completed cutting for tomorrow's Merry Mayhem Case # 148 Twist and Shout!
While Becky and Barb were sewing (and I was all caught up), I needed something to sew, so finally got around to this paper pieced snowman! Pretty sure I first saw it on Kathy ...

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December 24, 2023
Indigo Way Clue 4 and Two Mystery Flimsies Come Together! from The Modern Diary

I participated in the game exchange this year in one of my facebook groups (I missed it last year) and am thrilled to finally own Wingspan!  I cannot wait to play it.  Thanks Secret Santa!

Kathy hung a clothesline up high in my sewing room!  Super excited to have some of my little quilts on display.  I have two drape rods hung (one in bedroom and one in living room) and I change out the table topper size quilts by season on both of those.  I also use seasonal table runners and table toppers, but I still have many small ...

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January 5, 2023
More Mysteries than Ever! from The Modern Diary

New Year's sewing weekend was a lot of fun!  My health cooperated and I was able to sew two days in a row!  I put our usual Burgendy Beef in the crockpot (with organic soup which still gave me a bit of a migraine, darn).
 This pic is the start of BJ's Nuts and Bolts mystery.  While I was waiting for my mystery to start I worked on my Chilhowie blocks but once the mystery started there was not time to get back to them!

BJ started out with her Cuts and Bolts mystery (the rest of us ...

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December 30, 2022
Let's Do a Mystery--or Three in 2023! from The Modern Diary

I have discovered four quilt mysteries going on over New Year's and am in for at least three of them (besides Chilhowie in progress).  I figured I should post about them in case any of you wanted to join in on them and were unaware they were going on!  

The first one is sponsored by Craftsy and Stitchin Heaven and is called Sparkling New Year.  It starts at 10 AM my time (CST) and has easy cutting and presewing of HST's.  You do not need to be a member of Craftsy to sign up for emails to get ...

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  • cuts and bolts mystery
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